Manor House Gardens, Bledlow HP27 9PA
11am – 4pm
Click here for further details:
By Dave Yates
Manor House Gardens, Bledlow HP27 9PA
11am – 4pm
Click here for further details:
By Dave Yates
A team of volunteers from our staff welcomed over 300 visitors to the Manor House Gardens on Sunday 11 June for a charity open afternoon in aid of the National Gardens Scheme
By Dave Yates
The Coronation is coming to Bledlow early. On 14th April you are invited to visit the Manor House Gardens and see a new exhibition about the Carrington family’s role in coronations past, present and future!
The exhibition will display some of the family’s key items from the coronations of Queen Victoria, King Edward VII, King George V, King George VI, Queen Elizabeth II and the impending coronation of King Charles III.
Open 2pm – 5pm
Admission to Gardens and Exhibition £7
By Estate
We were delighted that our Jubilee tree planting at the entrance to the Manor House Gardens – a Turner’s Oak (Quercus Turneri “Pseudoturneri”) – has been included on the Queen’s Green Canopy map.
By Dave Yates
We were delighted to welcome several members of the CoExistence Herd to the Sculpture Garden which spent the Winter and early Spring with us. They have now left us for an exhibition in the Royal Parks during the summer of 2021, but one of their number will return in the Autumn. – follow this website for further details.
Follow @CoExistence_UK/@coexistence.story/@The.CoExistence.Story or head to for more information.
By Dave Yates
The Manor House Gardens were open to the public on Sunday 20th May in aid of the National Gardens Scheme, which every year supports a selection of deserving charities. On this warm spring afternoon, we welcomed over 450 visitors (most of whom stayed for tea and cake!) and the event raised over £2600 for the charities.
By Dave Yates
The Lyde Garden has reopened, following major repairs and refurbishments
This private garden will be open daily from 9am – 5pm at the owners’ discretion.
Please note that the gate will be locked at 5pm daily
By Dave Yates
The owners of the Lyde Garden (a registered charity) have decided to carry out works to enhance and protect it for the benefit of the many villagers and others that come to enjoy its peace, tranquillity and beauty.
There are two issues that need to be addressed.
The tree canopy resulting from the original planting of the garden in the 1980s has closed over and the lack of sunlight has become detrimental to the plants growing around the ponds and up the banks. This canopy now needs to be reduced and a new planting scheme implemented.
Regrettably the garden has also become a regular location for anti-social activity (including the use of alcohol and drugs) after dark, and there have been recent instances of vandalism, litter and disturbance to neighbours. We are seeking support from Wycombe District Council for the addition of railings to supplement the existing roadside wall, along with an attractive and lockable wrought iron gate so that the garden opening times are clear and nocturnal visitors can be excluded.
The owners recognise that the Lyde Garden is a much-loved village amenity and remain dedicated to maintaining and improving it for those who appreciate and respect it.
Unfortunately it will be necessary to temporarily close the garden for a number of months over winter in order to carry out these works
By Dave Yates
To commemorate 50 years of opening the Manor House Gardens for the National Gardens Scheme, in August 2017 Lord Carrington was presented with a sundial. He was delighted to learn that the gardens have raised a total of £123,683.82 for the charity over the 50 years.
By Estate
Over 300 visitors enjoyed warm weather and were tempted by tea and cakes on the second of our 2014 National Gardens Scheme open days at the Manor House, Bledlow. The NGS donate the funds raised to a selection of charities including Marie Curie, Macmillan Cancer Suport, Parkinsons UK and Help the Hospices.